
Geek Stuff

#TheAgenda: Attack on Titan

If you’ve heard from me lately, you’ve probably heard I’m pushing #TheAgenda. And today, I want to take the time to explain to you #TheAgenda. I’ve gotten to a point in my life that I want to improve my life by leaps and bounds. I want to eat a little better, get a bit more active, learn an instrument, start a website, build connections, make friendships, expand my network; you know, the usual. I try to limit time wasted as much as possible while still giving myself a bit of recreation now & then. These things that I dedicate a lot of time to, and therefore recommend to other people as #TheAgenda. So when I tell you, even in that little bit of recreation time I give myself, I still find the time to watch clips of Attack on Titan and read pieces of the manga every day because it’s just that great, I mean that.

  Attack on Titan is the type of show that’s so good the rest of the world universally just agrees with you. It’s the type of show that takes what you’d think is normal storytelling and then instantly snatch it all away. It will hook you by the end of Episode 4 in the first season. It’s the type of drama that makes you invest in characters, so when betrayals and deaths happen, they actually matter. If this brings to mind Game of Thrones, I’m gonna have to stop you right there. While the two prominently feature the betrayal and death, the comparisons stop there. Attack on Titan is unlike anything you’ve seen before, even if you’re a heavy anime watcher. If you don’t watch anime at all, it’s the first one I recommend to almost everyone, besides Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. Even if you don’t find anime’s art style appealing, Attack on Titan’s story will be enough to keep you hooked. If you’re an action junkie, there’s more than enough to go around and then some, in certain parts.

That was honestly just the intro, but like pastors say sometimes, “I won’t hold you long today.”

For the uninitiated, Attack on Titan is a manga/anime created by Hajime Isayama. AoT began in 2009 and promptly won the 35th Kodansha Manga Award in 2011. The series is still ongoing with the manga publishing monthly and the anime’s final season to air this winter. 

I’m writing this because you need to watch Attack on Titan, and then you need to read it. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out a way to convince people to partake in Attack on Titan without spoiling them and I think I’ve got it down to a science. You will never watch/read anything like Attack on Titan. It’s honestly that good. If you’ve watched the show, then you need to read the manga. For you all, just know this; take Eren’s last words in the last episode and know that he meant them. Eren Jaeger is the greatest protagonist of all time. Yes, I meant that. If you don’t know where to start, just let me know and I’ll get you started.

There’s a whole lot more I can say, but quite literally anything else I say is a spoiler. So if this inspires you to get started, shoot me a #TheAgenda. I don’t care how you do it, just shoot it over to me, cause I really enjoy talking people through this experience.

The first season is on Netflix , but Hulu has the entire show.